This blog-site was created to serve as a Virtual Meeting Place for Collaboration on Ideas About Learning how to Grow Communities of Learners while Growing Food
Ernst Community Classroom located @ 1580 Scott Lake Rd in Waterford, MI 48328
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Techonomy Conference (Bill Gates on the FUTURE of Education)
August 20th, 2010 by Jesse Moyer
Earlier this month at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe, CA, Bill Gates said that students going to college campuses to get an education will be a thing of the past, “Five years from now on the web for free you’ll be able to find the best lectures in the world, it will be better than any single university.” He was also quick to point out that the same will not be true K-12 institutions.
While I think there is a much to be learned from the residential experience of college, I think I actually learned more through my involvement on campus and experiences outside of the classroom than I did from my professors, I also believe the cost alone will make a formal college education prohibitive for many Americans. But that is a blog post for another place and time.
What I question is why K-12 institutions must remain solely place-based institutions. With the emergence of different kinds of Learning Agents, as outlined in the 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning, why do students need to spend the entire, or even a majority of the, day in school in order to obtain the education they are interested in?
If a student was interested in the specifics of running a bakery or the art of woodworking, why couldn’t he or she contact a Community Intelligence Cartographerto connect with someone in their own community working in that field? Why couldn’t a student look to their Learning Journey Mentor for information about opportunities beyond school walls that will augment and/or enhance the education they receive within their schools?
While I am beginning to think place-based schools will always have a purpose to serve, for socialization if nothing else, I don’t believe students should be confined to the four walls of a school house anymore than a college student should be confined by the boarders of their campus.
Nicholas Negroponte "Making Kids the Agents of Change"
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Education Nation by Milton Chen
Imagine an 'Education Nation,' a learning society where the education of children and adults is the highest national priority, on par with a strong economy, high employment, and national security. Where resources from public and private sources fund a 'ladder of learning' for learners of all ages, from pre-K through 'gray.' Where learners take courses through the formal institutions of high-quality schools and universities and also take advantage of informal experiences offered through museums, libraries, churches, youth groups, and parks as well as via the media.
—From the Introduction by Milton Chen
Thinking Chapter Review: Education Nation:
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
More Mindset:
Vision 2020.2 Transforming Education and Training Through Advanced Technology

Next Meeting (Visioning)
THINK: Visioning of Design Themes and Leveraged "possibilities-thinking."
AGENDA (Please "comment" for Agenda Topics)
AGENDA (Please "comment" for Agenda Topics)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Meeting: Susana Ditters Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Something to frame our conversation today and perhaps to serve as the "tent-poles" from which to evolve our Collaborative-Understanding
Additionally: The Open Course: Through the Open Door provides us with some substantive insights to deal with the traditionalists-objections among us whom may have difficulties letting-go of the status-quo in an effort to free themselves so they might explore "coming to know"
Additionally: The Open Course: Through the Open Door provides us with some substantive insights to deal with the traditionalists-objections among us whom may have difficulties letting-go of the status-quo in an effort to free themselves so they might explore "coming to know"
Thursday, August 5, 2010
CONGRATULATIONS to Oakland County Parks Leadership Team!
Oakland park tax heads to approval
New bike paths and other recreation facilities built in southeast Oakland County could be on the horizon if vot ers give the nod to a millage re newal for parks. Support for the renewal was ahead 21,044 to 5,870 votes with just 35 of 542 pre cincts reporting Tuesday eve ning.
“The numbers are very en lightening, very encouraging, also, that we’ve had that level this early,” said Dan Stencil, executive officer for the Oak land County Park and Recre ation Commission. “We’ve his torically been in the mid-60s with our approval rating, Be ing in the mid- to upper 70s is quite a testimonial to the com mission, the staff and the resi dents of Oakland County tell ing us that what they value is what we value.”
The vote would renew a 0.2415-mill tax to support the county’s 13 parks and pro grams.
The tax renewal is for 10 years and would cost the own er of a $175,000 home about $21 a year.
OCC renewal heads toward OK
Oakland Community Col lege’s 0.8-mill, 10-year tax re newal also was ahead in the early returns, with 16,185 votes in favor to 8,676 against, with 34 out of 531 precincts report ing.
“With those results, we’re tremendously appreciative of the citizens of Oakland County in supporting us and recogniz ing the value that we bring into our county,” said OCC Chan cellor Tim Meyer. “From our position, it’s clearly a mandate for us to go forward.”
The money would be spent on operations at the college’s five campuses. More than 11% of the county’s high school graduates attend OCC.
School elections across region
Results for other school elections were trickling in Tuesday. Voters cast a ballot in seven school districts for millage renewals, with most of them appearing to have the support to continue.
In the Avondale School Dis trict, voters were asked ap prove a $27.8-million extension of its current millage to 2031. The bond proposal would not raise the amount of the millage from the current 7 mills. The money will be used for addi tions, remodeling and furnish ings at schools, energy conser vation upgrades, infrastruc ture for technology and im provements to the athletic facilities.
South Lake Schools is ask ing for 0.1684 mill on non homestead property, along with a proposal to renew 1.4246 mills on homestead property.
Fitzgerald Public Schools had a convincing lead on its millage renewal with seven of eight precincts reporting. Sup porters voted 1,398 in favor of the renewal, compared with 759 against.
Lakeview Public Schools and Farmington Public Schools each asked voters to renew an 18-mill tax on non homestead property. The dis trict in Farmington Hills also soughtto renew a 13.5735-mill hold-harmless tax on home stead property.
Grosse Ile Township Schools requested to renew the 18-mill tax on non-home stead property and renewal of the 3.5328 hold-harmless mill age. Grosse Ile also is asking voters to renew a 1-mill tax for its sinking fund, which pays for construction and repairs to school property.
Trenton Public Schools is asking voters to renew its hold harmless millage of 4.9 mills.
Oakland park tax heads to approval
New bike paths and other recreation facilities built in southeast Oakland County could be on the horizon if vot ers give the nod to a millage re newal for parks. Support for the renewal was ahead 21,044 to 5,870 votes with just 35 of 542 pre cincts reporting Tuesday eve ning.
“The numbers are very en lightening, very encouraging, also, that we’ve had that level this early,” said Dan Stencil, executive officer for the Oak land County Park and Recre ation Commission. “We’ve his torically been in the mid-60s with our approval rating, Be ing in the mid- to upper 70s is quite a testimonial to the com mission, the staff and the resi dents of Oakland County tell ing us that what they value is what we value.”
The vote would renew a 0.2415-mill tax to support the county’s 13 parks and pro grams.
The tax renewal is for 10 years and would cost the own er of a $175,000 home about $21 a year.
OCC renewal heads toward OK
Oakland Community Col lege’s 0.8-mill, 10-year tax re newal also was ahead in the early returns, with 16,185 votes in favor to 8,676 against, with 34 out of 531 precincts report ing.
“With those results, we’re tremendously appreciative of the citizens of Oakland County in supporting us and recogniz ing the value that we bring into our county,” said OCC Chan cellor Tim Meyer. “From our position, it’s clearly a mandate for us to go forward.”
The money would be spent on operations at the college’s five campuses. More than 11% of the county’s high school graduates attend OCC.
School elections across region
Results for other school elections were trickling in Tuesday. Voters cast a ballot in seven school districts for millage renewals, with most of them appearing to have the support to continue.
In the Avondale School Dis trict, voters were asked ap prove a $27.8-million extension of its current millage to 2031. The bond proposal would not raise the amount of the millage from the current 7 mills. The money will be used for addi tions, remodeling and furnish ings at schools, energy conser vation upgrades, infrastruc ture for technology and im provements to the athletic facilities.
South Lake Schools is ask ing for 0.1684 mill on non homestead property, along with a proposal to renew 1.4246 mills on homestead property.
Fitzgerald Public Schools had a convincing lead on its millage renewal with seven of eight precincts reporting. Sup porters voted 1,398 in favor of the renewal, compared with 759 against.
Lakeview Public Schools and Farmington Public Schools each asked voters to renew an 18-mill tax on non homestead property. The dis trict in Farmington Hills also soughtto renew a 13.5735-mill hold-harmless tax on home stead property.
Grosse Ile Township Schools requested to renew the 18-mill tax on non-home stead property and renewal of the 3.5328 hold-harmless mill age. Grosse Ile also is asking voters to renew a 1-mill tax for its sinking fund, which pays for construction and repairs to school property.
Trenton Public Schools is asking voters to renew its hold harmless millage of 4.9 mills.
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